Smudge Stick + Crystal Pouch


Created in Los Angeles, Cast of Stones believes in the ancient philosophy that crystals carry energy and posses healing and purifying properties. Each smudge kit pouch includes a bundle (of palo santo sticks or white sage) for burning, a quartz crystal for amplifying purification, and directions.

Smudge Sticks

Palo Santo Sticks: Palo Santo is a sacred tree in South America, also known as "Holy Wood". For centuries the indigenous people of the Andes have been using Palo Santo for spiritual purification and energy cleansing. It is believed to remove negative energy and bring love and good fortune. Grown in Ecuador.

White Sage: Smudging with Sage is an ancient ritual performed to purify, protect, and drive out negative energy. It is believed that when the Sage is burned, unwanted influences will dissipate with the clearing of the smoke. Grown in California.

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